Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's Time..

OK folks...hold on to your hats!  Hard to believe, I know, but we've gotta show our younger generation that we're not totally computer illiterate!  Me and D are gonna BLOG!  Ha!  The first one to tease or poke fun of me will not only incur the wrath of momma, but will probably make me melt down, delete my blog, and crawl back in my safe, dark world of non-internet savvy "old people!"

So, without further ado.... Heeeeeeeeerrrreeee we go!!


Zak Johnson said...

I must say I thought the day would never come. Welcome my dear Madre and Padre, I wish you well in the wild world of blogging.

Barb Johnson said...

Thanks young Zakery...suddenly I just feel SO YOUTHFUL! :)

Anonymous said...

Whoa!!! i did not see this coming! i give you a 10/10 for your first blog entry. unfortunately you may find it difficult to top that first picture.

tracy layne said...

I didn't know "old folks" had such great sences of humor! And good lookin too!!

Benjamin & Bridgette said...

Now Now Barb, don't you fret. I will some day grow up and get with the program:) Until then I will just have to practice playing worlds best uncle.